Monday 24 May 2010

David LaChapelle

now this guy has done it all. argueably the best in the world at his career.

every celebtrity you can imagine.

amazing shoots with unique ideas and execution...amazing.

many iconic shots of celebrities that people will remember always for them. superb.

although his shots are very sexually orientated the detail and technique that goes into them is incredible. its must take so much work!

my favourite shots are the ones of lady gaga and P!nk

feather idea... scrap it?

if the room end up like this...then its a no. balloons YES.

at least i was ready. maybe ill just use small amounts i dont know.

my shoot style.

my shoot in a hotel room is going to consist of a model shoot featuring balloons and feathers. ive had this idea ive wanted to do for ages but with the hot weather coming round and the dandilion "fairies" flying all over, im concerned as to how i will be able to manage with the feathers. im considering just leaving them out of it but using a lot of balloons.

crisis averted.*

wow that was a major panic. the hotel shoot im doing almost went to pot. hotel rang up and cancelled my shoot today, a day before shooting and a week untill the deadline. not fair. luckily ive managed to sweeten the staff and the shoot is back on :)

so lucky!

Pendulum - Watercolor.

just recently found out that amazingly one of the slashTHREE artists Murat Pak aka Undream actually did the motion effects for pendulums watercolor video. i cant actually believe it. theres big things for slashTHREE.

Pendulum / Watercolour from Murat Pak on Vimeo.


Tuesday 18 May 2010

Lara Jade...amazing fashion photographer/

i found lara jade via a few people ive met on deviantart/flickr who follow fashion photography. i also noticed a huge 30 page feature she had in DigitalSLRPhotography Magazine. she is 20 and working for huge companies such as vogue. absolutely amazing photograper.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Previous Shoot with Heather

Originally uploaded by #cletuS
some previous shots of the model that i am using in my Current Project!

Originally uploaded by #cletuS

Originally uploaded by #cletuS

Originally uploaded by #cletuS

Originally uploaded by #cletuS

Originally uploaded by #cletuS


the best friend of Anja, found Jennys work through her website. shes equally as talented in portrait photography.


she seems to nail her compositions every-time and the models she works with are of a top quality standard, all poses are looking great, make up is excellent and the post production is down to the tee.

Anja 2.

xxchange aka Anja Röhrich

I found Anja via deviantart and her own website. she focuses mainly on female portraits often using self portraits. her photographs are really stunning, they are well composed, using great lighting and superb colours. besides the fact shes is absolutely beautiful. i love her use of pastille colours!

Anjas work:

the shot with the headphones is my favourite image. the colours are excellent, the pose is fantastic and the lighting is great!

Research into fashion photography.

a contact from slashTHREE is now quite a big fashion photographer in London. Nick Creevy has been a real inspiration in my photography and has lured me into trying some fashion photography for myself.

Nick's website showcases some outstanding fashion shoots with unique and crazy idea. all of which are visually incredible.

heres some of nicks work!

my favourite from these images is the black and white image with the blonde woman. i just feel this has a really soft atmosphere and the midlevels are outstanding, great tonal difference and perfect exposure.